BOOK NOWItinerary
The price is $600
Add $150 if you want single occupancy
Duration of the tour:
3 full days, two nights.
Celsius between 24 up to 32 with constant breeze from the ocean
Altitude of the hikes:
From sea level to 40 meters
Altitude of the paddling:
Sea level
Paddling time:
Each day 2 to 4 hours
Paddling conditions:
Itermediate, use to paddle a kayak in the Ocean is a plus.
Feature sights:
- Tropical dry forest from the Pacifi
- Nicoya Peninsula & Gulf
- Tropical Islands
- Rocks and arches in the ocean
Physical difficulty:
Curú wild life refuge and Tortuga Island
Only us and the Ocean, sitting in your kayak, green warm waters, cliffs, tropical islands, marine life, we offer you the journey of a life time
Tour Description
Good chances to observe wildlife, beautiful and pristine beaches, featuring Tropical Dry Forest, a mysterious adaptation of flora and fauna to a lesser rainy area, the first Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica, from there we can paddle and explore more beaches and islands, all of them part of protected areas of great biological interest.
Professional kayak guides with you all the time.
We love to prepare and share nice meals in the beach, under the stars, a great experience for everyone.
Nicoya Peninsula
Featuring Cur
Make your reservation Here Tour Facts
3 Day 2 Nights all inclusive Sea Kayak tour
Nicoya Peninsula
Featuring Cur
Day 1
Itinerary - 6 am, Departure From San Jose to Puntarenas
- 10 am, crossing the Ferry from Puntarenas to Paquera
- Arrival to Paquera.
- Arrival Cur
Day 2
Itinerary - Morning in the beach, great breakfast, warm up and ready for a day of fun, today is going to be kayaking to Tortuga Island, 2 miles away from Cur
Day 3
Itinerary - Morning in the beach, great breakfast, warm up and ready for another day in paradise, today is more relaxed, kayaking around the beach in Cur
What is included:

Teléfono: +506-2441-1974